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FAQ: Why Does My Ceramic Travel Mug Have a Hole at the Bottom?

FAQ: Why Does My Ceramic Travel Mug Have a Hole at the Bottom?

One of the many products that we love here at Mora Ceramics is our double walled ceramic travel mug. This mug has received a lot of great feedback, but just as many other great products out there on Amazon, has also received some haters. In this article we will talk about why I designed this ceramic travel mug, how it is assembled, and also answer the question: “Why does my mug have a hole at the bottom?” Read on for a hole lotta puns.

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Black Marks on my Ceramics: How To Get Rid of Them

Black Marks on my Ceramics: How To Get Rid of Them

Once we started putting our extra strong plates on the market, we would occasionally get an email from someone saying that there were these black marks on their plates and would wonder why, since we label our products "scratch resistant". Here is what those black marks actually are, and how to get rid of them.

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