A Little More Mora, Delivered at No Cost to You When You Buy 2+

Dinner Plates - 10 in - Earl Grey


Set of 6 Plates

  • Set of 6 plates
  • Diameter: 10in
  • Color: Earl Grey
Editor's Note

This is more than a plate. You are always being told to do more, to go faster, to be better, but it's time for you to slow down every once in a while and enjoy a meal. Your Mora plates can help you do that. Every time you use a Mora plate it is a reminder to hit pause, give yourself some me time, and practice mindful eating.


•Height: 0.9 in
•Length: 10 in
•Weight: 1.7 lb

*Please note: due to handmade process, all measurements are approximate


•Dishwasher Safe
•Mircowave Safe
•Oven Safe