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Brownie Batter Hummus - The Best Dip Ever

Brownie Batter Hummus - The Best Dip Ever

Brownie Batter Hummus - The Best Dip Ever

As some of you may know, I am a huge chocolate lover. I would eat a whole chocolate cake if I could. But, just like most people, I try to watch my sugar intake a little.

A huge part of self care is balance between fitness and "treating" thyself. So that's why I love making desserts that include some healthy ingredients such as chickpeas. When I first found this recipe from Chens_plate on her instagram with my plates, I was shocked. I have never heard of sweet hummus before and just had to try my own version.

Health Benefits of Chickpeas

Chickpeas contain several vitamins and minerals such as folate, iron and phosphorus. They’re also a good source of fiber and protein to help in digestion and make you feel full. They even have many characteristics that may help prevent some chronic illnesses, including heart disease, cancer and diabetes. So why not indulge every once in a while?

dried chickpeas on a sheet of burlap

If you have seen my previous blog on my homemade iced dark chocolate mocha recipe, you will see some of the health benefits of dark chocolate. That is enough reason for me to include some cocoa in my diet. Eating healthy food should never be dreadful. It should be enjoyable, loving, and grateful. So I definitely recommend this recipe to anyone who has a sweet-tooth but wants to get some more nutrients in their diet!

Does it Really Taste like Brownie Batter?

In my honest opinion- I would say YES! I got inspiration from chens_plate on this recipe, but ended up changing it a little bit to make it even more like brownie batter. The chocolate chips don't hurt either. The taste is sweet, but not too sweet, which I like. The texture is rich and creamy, just like some good ole batter.

Perfect for those Cravings

Let's talk about PMS... for all my ladies out there. I used to ignore my pms symptoms and not nurture myself during this time. The result? Feelings of frustration, deprivation, and sometimes even binging. Before my period, I always felt so horrible

After doing research, I learned that as women our bodies need more nutrients during that time of our menstrual cycle. That's why we crave so much food. If we don't give our bodies the things it needs, those negative feelings will come in with a vengeance. 

a girl holding her stomach because she has pms cramps

So, what's the solution? Just eat! Give yourself what you are craving in moderation. For me, that's chocolate and protein. I make sure I eat lots of fruits, veggies, whole grains, and protein during this time. And when I'm craving something a little "extra", I give it to myself!

I also make sure to exercise in moderation for those endorphins, making sure not to overdo it since my body is already working harder than normal. Being in tune to your body is a huge form of self care. So listen to what your body is trying to tell you.

Anyways, what I'm trying to get at, is this recipe is PERFECT for that time of the month. I can eat a good amount, get some protein, get my chocolate fix, and not feel guilty! Pair it with some crunchy crackers, apples, or pretzels for a nice crunch. It's simply so perfect.

The Process

Cooking is more than just the final result. It's about the process. Working with the ingredients. Showing respect to the food around you. Being mindful. It's an experience. Here was my experience while making it:

1. Prep the chickpeas by rinsing, draining, and peeling.

The skin of the chickpeas

the skin of the chickpeas in a bowl

Why should I peel the skin off each chickpea? It is a pretty tedious task, taking the skins off of each chickpea, one by one. But the result is an extra smooth, creamy hummus. Definitely worth it.

How do I peel the chickpeas? After washing them, just pinch the chickpea with one finger and the peel will stay on your finger as the chickpea pops out. Like I said, it is a little time consuming, about 8 min for the whole can, but once you start, it's pretty satisfying.

peeled chickpeas in a blender

2. Melt the brown sugar and water in a pan over medium heat. Wait until the sugar is dissolved and the mixture begins to simmer.

brown sugar and water in a saucepan simmering

3. Then turn off the heat and add the chocolate chips, stirring until melted. Add the vanilla extract and cocoa powder until combined.

the rest of the ingredients in the pan looking like brownie batter

4. Combine all the ingredients in the food processor or blender and blend until smooth. If you are using a blender, you might have to stop every once in a while to stir.

brownie batter hummus in a Mora Ceramics bowl

5. Put it into a container and chill for a few hours and for the ingredients to meld together. Top with toppings of your choice and serve!

I put the hummus in my cereal bowl in vanilla white, served it with more chocolate chips, and drizzled some melted chocolate on top, because sometimes I'm a lil extra.

Brownie Batter Hummus

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Rated 5 stars by 1 user

Category: Dessert

  Servings: 8

Prep Time: 20 Minutes

A yummy healthy treat!


Alix Tieben


  • 1 Can of Chickpeas (peeled)

  • 1/3 Cup Brown Sugar

  • 3 Tbsp Water

  • 1/3 Cup Chocolate Chips (plus extra for the topping)

  • 3 Tbsp Cocoa Powder

  • 1 tsp Vanilla Extract


  1. Drain, wash, and peel the skin off the chickpeas.

  2. Add the brown sugar and water into a pan over medium-high heat, stir and bring to a simmer and the sugar is dissolved.

  3. Turn off the heat, add the chocolate chips, cocoa powder and vanilla extract. Stir until chocolate chips are melted and well combined.

  4. Throw everything in a blender or food processor. Blend until well combined.

  5. Serve in a bowl with chocolate chips, sprinkles, nuts, or anything else your heart desires. Chill and serve with crackers, pretzels or fruit.

For an original banana pudding recipe, check out the link here. Check out my IG and connect!

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In need of some self care? Check out our Self Care Blog Series.

Written by Alix Tieben


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